
CV Writing & Interviewing Skills
07 May 09:30
Until 07 May, 11:30 2h

CV Writing & Interviewing Skills

Online Via Zoom

Job Readiness Mastery: A Comprehensive Training on CV Writing and Interviewing Skills

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Empower you with the essential skills and knowledge required to enhance your job readiness, master the art of CV writing, and excel in interviews.

Session 1: Understanding Job Readiness 

  • Introduction to the importance of job readiness in today's competitive market.
  • Exploring the key components of job readiness: skills, qualifications, mindset, and presentation.
  • Self-assessment exercises to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Session 2: Crafting a Winning CV 

  • Understanding the purpose and structure of a CV.
  • Tips for writing an attention-grabbing personal statement or summary.
  • Strategies for highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and achievements.
  • Practical exercises and examples to guide you in crafting your own CVs.

Session 3: Mastering Interviewing Skills 

  • Understanding different types of interviews and common interview formats.
  • Preparing effectively for an interview: research, practice, and mindset.
  • Techniques for answering common interview questions confidently and succinctly.
  • Guidance on non-verbal communication, body language, and professional demeanor during interviews.
  • Mock interview practice sessions with feedback and tips for improvement.
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